Japanese verbs ; affirmative & negative forms


Japanese verbs ; affirmative & negative forms

Japanese verbs /  Basic 10 verbs


Let’s learn Japanese verbs!

  Dooshi  verbs
 1  たべべます  tabe-masu  to eat
 2  のみます  nomi-masu  to drink
 3  みます  mi-masu  to look, to watch
 4  よみます  yomi-masu  to read
 5  ききます  kiki-masu  to listen
 6  かきます  kaki-masu  to write
 7  かいます  kai-masu  to buy
 8  はなします  hanashi-masu  to talk, to speak
 9  つくります  tsukuri-masu  to make
 10  します  shimasu  to do, to play


■ Bun no koozoo /  Sentence  Structure


① Watashi  wa  mainichi  terebi  o  mi-masu.  (I watch TV every day. )

→ Subject + time expression + verb + object


② Ashita  watashi  wa  tenisu  o  shimasu.     (Tomorrow,  I will (or am going to) play tennis.)

→   Time expression + Subject + object + verb.


③ Watshi  wa  yoku  koohii  o  nomi-masu.   (I often drink coffee.)

→  Subject + object +  time expression + verb.



1. The verbs generally comes at the end of the sentence.

2. The verb doesn’t change for person, number or gender like English.

3. The position of adverb of time is interchangeable as above.


■ Dooshi no  hitei-kei  / Negative verb forms


dooshi = verb,  hitei-kei = negative form

present affirmative present negative

 ~ masu  ~ masen
 to eat  たべます  tabe-masu tabe-masen
 to drink  のみます  nomi-masu nomi-masen
 to watch  みます  mi-masu mi-masen
 to read  よみす  yomi-masu yomi-masen
 to listen  ききます  kiki-masu kiki-masen
 to do, to play  します  shimasu shimasen


Reibun /  Example sentences


① watashi  wa  osake  o  nomi-masen.  (don’t drink alcohol.)

※  “Osake” means “alcohol” in this context. It can also mean “Sake.”

② washi  wa  niku  o  tabe-masen.    (I don’t eat meat.)

③ watashi  wa  manga  o  yomi-masen.  (I don’t read comic books.)

A:  J-pop o  kiki-masu  ka?    (Do you listen to Japanese Pop-music?)

B:  iie,  kiki-masen.  (No, I don’t listen.)



■ Shitumon ni kotaemashoo!  Answer the follwoing questions in Japanese.


1.kutashikku  o  kiki-masu  ka?    ※ kurashikku = classical music

2.osake  o  nomi-masu  ka?

3.tabako  o  sui-masu  ka?   ※ tabako = cigarette,  sui-masu = to smoke

4.tenisu  o  shimasu  ka?

5.nama  no  sakana   o   tabe-masu  ka?   ※ nama no sakana = raw fish


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